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Free notes of Biomolecules short revision part 1

  1. Polysaccharide are not sweet in taste.              
  2. All monosaccharides are reducing sugar.        
  3. Monosaccharides are starting from carbon number 3.                                                               
  4. Starch contain amylose and amylopectin amylose contain bonding between c1 -c4 and amylopectin has c1-c6 bonding in their structure.                                                                
  5. Monomers: a)Lactose : 1) beta -D galactose 2)beta - D glucose.                                           b) Sucrose : 1) alpha - D glucose   2) beta -D fructose.                                                              c) cellulose : only beta D - glucose.                     
  6. Glycogen is animal starch ,has similar structure as that of amylopectin having highly branches.                                                     
  7. Glycogen most found in yeast and fungii.        
  8. All proteins are polymer of alpha amino acid and alpha amino acid obtain on hydrolysis of protein.                                            
  9. Amino acid contain higher amino group which is the basic in nature  and if the amino acid contain higher carboxylic group then it is the acidic in nature .                             
  10. Exception glycine ,all the amino acid are optically active and most of the amino acid are L configuration .                                             
  11. Insulin has the 51 amino acid .                           
  12. Fibrous protein which is insoluble in water and its examples are keratins, myosin .            
  13. Globular proteins which is soluble in water and examples are insulin , albumin.                  
  14. Coagulation of egg happen during the boiling of white part of egg which is example of denaturation of protein.                   
  15. Insuline is the proteinous harmone.                 
  16. Nucleotide contain base sugar phosphate etc.                                                                             
  17. All enzymes are globular proteins.                    
  18. Fat soluble vitamins are : A. D. E. K                     
  19. Water soluble vitamins are : B group of vitamins and vitamin c.  Exception B12 in vitamin b group .                                                    
  20. Nucleic acid are long chain polymer of nucleotide.                                                             
  21. Glucose is use to industrial propagation of vitamin c .


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