Explain the concept of function overloading with example .
The use of same function name to create function that perform a variety of different tasks is called as function overloading .
Overloading refers to the use of same thing for different purpose .
Function overloading or function polymorphism , is an example of compile time polymorphism .
Using the concept function overloading , create a family of function with one function name but with different argument lists.
The function would perform different operation , depending on argument list in function call.
The correct function to be invoked is determined by checking the number and the type of the argument and not on the function type .
When a function is called , the compiler first matches the prototype having same number and types of arguments and then calls appropriate function for execution . A best match must be unique.
Pointers :
• A pointer is a variable which hold the memory address of another variable
• * operator is use to declear pointer in c++.
• It takes the form as :
• Datatype *variable name ;
• E.g. int *ptr:
• The above declearation will create a variable ptr which is a pointer variable and which will point to a variable whose datatype is integer.
• The data type of ptr is not integer but datatype of variable which ptr will point is integer .
Advantages of pointer :
• It allows to pass variable array ,function, string, structure, object as function arguments .
• It allow to return structured variable from functions.
• It support dynamic allocation and deallocation of memory segment .
• By using pointer variable can be swapped without physically moving them
• It allow to establish link between data elements or objects.
Call by value :
• Pointer is a variable which hold the address of another variable.
• * operator are used to declear pointer .
• The use of pointer in a function definition may be classified into two group :
Call by value.
Call by reference .
• Call by value :
• When the portion of the program invokes a function control will be transfer from main function to the calling function and the value of actual argument is copied to the function .
• Within function the actual value may be altered or changed.
• When the control is transferred back from function to the program, altered values are not transeferred back this type of passing formal arguments to the
Call by reference :
• Call by reference :
• In call by reference when the function is called by a program the address of actual argument are copied on to the formal arguments i.e.formal and actual argument referring same memory location .
• Therefore change in value of formal argument affect the value of actual arguments
• The content of variable that are alter within thee function are return to calling portion of program in alter form.